Cabinet of Ministers of the
Azerbaijan Republic
Decree No 62
Rates of custom duties on export-import
operations in the Azerbaijan Republic
In order to improve control over export-import operations
through the custom mechanism, to increase export potential and stimulate export, to
protect interests of domestic producers and to fulfil demands of the inner market in the
Azerbaijan Republic, Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic issues a decree:
1. To approve Instruction on payment of custom duties (attachment No 1)
and Rates of custom duties (attachment No 2) submitted by State customs committee of the
Azerbaijan Republic and agreed with involved organisations.
2. To state that:
2.1. Exported commodities irrespective of their kind are not subject to
payment of export duty.
2.2. Commodities imported to the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic
in compliance with the list given in attachment No 3 to this Decree, irrespective of the
country of their origin, are not subject to import duty.
2.3. Commodities imported to the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic
in compliance with the list given in attachment No 4 to this Decree, irrespective of the
country of their origin, are subject to import duty at a rate of 5 percent of their custom
2.4. Except commodities specified in sub-clauses 2.2 and 2.3 of this
Decree, and also commodities imported with objectives indicated in clause 3 and liable to
import duty at a rate «0» (zero), all other commodities, irrespective of the country of
their origin and kind, are subject to import duty at a rate of 15 percent of their custom
3. To state that the following commodities are subject to import duty
at a rate of «0» (zero):
3.1. Seeds, fertilisers, fodder, pedigree animals, medicinal
preparations, medicines used in veterinary, biological preparations and veterinary
3.2. Packaged baby-food, syringes, pharmaceutical goods;
3.3. Commodities and property intended exclusively for official use by
diplomatic representations in the Azerbaijan Republic and organisations of similar rank,
and also for personal use by members of diplomatic and administrative -technical personnel
of these representations, including members of their families living with them;
3.4. Humanitarian aid intended for free distribution which is imported
by humanitarian organisations duly registered on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic
and other legal entities and physical persons, on consent of Republican commission on
international humanitarian aid;
3.5. Commodities imported under the aegis of international
organisations as free technical assistance;
3.6. Various technical means intended for prophylactics and treatment
of disabled persons (except vehicles), raw stock and component parts for their production;
3.7. Commodities imported for transfer thereof to the state property -
following confiscation, lost of the owner and also inheritance;
3.8. Property brought into the country as a share of foreign partner in
the partnership fund of joint venture or for establishment of the enterprise with 100 %
foreign capital;
3.9. Commodities imported to the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic
temporarily, and according to the terms of import subject to export, without any changes,
back to the country wherefrom they were brought (on presentation of obligatory note to the
customs confirming that commodities will be returned to the country of their origin or
payment of custom duty. When said commodities are exported from the Azerbaijan Republic
sum of custom duty is returned to the payer);
3.10. Transit commodities (under the control of customs);
3.11. Commodities imported for duty free shops;
3.12. Property imported to the Azerbaijan Republic by foreign employees
of enterprises with foreign investments solely for their own needs;
3.13. Currency, money, banknotes (except those used for numismatics)
imported based on document of Ministry of finances of National Bank (permit) which are
legal tender; forms of official governmental documents, ordinary passports and also
3.14. Commodities imported to the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic
temporarily with the objective of re-export and also for processing (on presentation of
bank guarantee to the customs confirming the fact of export of commodities with the
objective of their re-export to the third country without changes, export after processing
or payment of custom duty. Sum of custom duty paid when these commodities are exported
from the Azerbaijan Republic is returned to the payers);
3.15. Commodities imported at the expense of state budget (based on
explanatory letter of Ministry of finances of the Azerbaijan Republic).
3.16. Fish and fish products caught in the Caspian sea basin within the
limits of quota of the Azerbaijan Republic and imported to the territory of the Azerbaijan
4. To take into account that in case of sale of commodities listed in
sub-clauses 3.3, 3,8 and 3.12 of this Decree in the Azerbaijan Republic, within 10 days
from the moment of sale custom duties should be paid.
Enterprises selling these commodities must notify the customs about
such fact in advance, otherwise relevant measures will be taken against them in an order
envisaged by legislation.
5. Should there exist agreements between the Government of the
Azerbaijan Republic and foreign countries on free trade, custom duties are not paid on
commodities imported on the basis of bilateral agreement.
6. To state that 65 percent of money received based on «Instruction on
payment of custom duties» which has been approved under the clause 1 of this Decree shall
remain on the account of State customs committee and will be used for development of its
technical facilities, purchase of required equipment and materials.
7. State customs committee and authorised banks shall provide full and
in due time transfer of custom duties on import operations to the state budget.
8. Following this Decree State customs committee shall prepare relevant
instructions, after agreement with the Ministry of finances approve them and take
necessary measures.
9. To regard decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan
Republic No 90 dated 24 April 1995 (except clause 9), No 104 dated 1 May 1995, No 29 dated
16 March 1996, No 178 dated 16 December 1996, and also No 36c dated 18 February 1997 null
and void.
10. This decree comes into force from 1 July, 1997.
Prime-minister of the Azerbaijan Republic
Becomes invalid.
Attachment No 1
by Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers
of the Azerbaijan Republic
No 62, 16 June 1997
Instruction on payments of custom
1. To state that all legal entities, irrespective on form of
property, subordinance and place of registration, persons involved in business activity
without the status of legal entity, shall pay for custom operations with commodities
imported to the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and exported from the Azerbaijan
Republic, property (except foreign currency) in the following order and at the following
1.1 For commodities imported or exported by state enterprises under
barter deals and deals made in inconvertible currency (manats) payment will be taken at a
rate of 0,15 % of custom value of these commodities (not less than 3 minimum wages).
If the deal is made in convertible currency payment will be taken at a
rate of 0,15 % of custom value of these commodities in accordance with exchange rate for
manat established by National Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic with respect to specific
foreign currency.
1.2 For property imported to the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic
or exported from the Azerbaijan Republic by state enterprises payment will be taken in
manats, at a rate of 0,15 % of custom value of this property (not less than 3 minimum
1.3 For custom operations with the property of state enterprises
temporarily exported from the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic or imported to
Azerbaijan Republic on the basis of customs declaration payment will be taken in the
amount of 3 minimum wages.
Custom value of commodities and property imported to the territory of
the Azerbaijan Republic or exported from the Azerbaijan Republic under the terms specified
in clauses 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 of this Instruction shall be defined based on instructions on
filling Customs cargo declaration.
2. When importing to the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic or
exporting from the Azerbaijan Republic commodities or property of production
co-operatives, their unions, joint ventures, international organisations, public
organisations, foreign companies payment for custom operations will be taken at rates
specified below, in sub-clauses 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.
2.1. When importing to the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic
property and commodities as a share in the partnership fund, payment for custom operation
will be taken in manats, in an amount of 0,25 % of custom value (not less than 2 minimum
2.2. For commodities imported to the territory of the Azerbaijan
Republic or exported from the Azerbaijan Republic (under barter deals or deals made in
inconvertible currency ) payment for custom operations will be taken at a rate of 0,25 %
of custom value of imported or exported commodities (not less than 4 minimum wages).
2.3. For commodities imported to the territory of the Azerbaijan
Republic or exported from the Azerbaijan Republic (with deals in convertible currency )
payment for custom operations will be taken in manats, in accordance with exchange rate of
National Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic, in an amount of 0,15 % of custom value of
commodities (not less than 5 USD).
2.4 If the deal is accomplished as «delivery of commodities under the
direct production relations», payment for commodities and property imported to the
territory of the Azerbaijan Republic or exported from the Azerbaijan Republic will be
taken at a rate of 0,25 % of custom value of commodities (not less than 4 minimum wages),
and also for custom operations made when raw stock and semi-finished products are sent for
processing (the customer’s own raw materials), and same raw stock and semi-finished
products are delivered after processing - 0,25 % of custom value (not less than 4 minimum
2.5 When consignment deals are accomplished (delivery of commodities on
consignment, commission basis) payment for custom operation will be taken at a rate of
0,25 % of custom value (not less than 3 minimum wages); said sum will be withheld in
manats, in accordance with exchange rate of National Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic on a
day of payment, irrespective of the day of shipment, including CIS countries.
2.6 In case of custom operations with commodities, equipment imported
to the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic as humanitarian aid, custom duty is not taken.
2.7 For each additional sheet of Customs cargo declaration payment
shall be taken at a rate of 2 minimum wages, if the deal is made in convertible currency -
at a rate of 5 USD converted to manats according to exchange rate of National Bank of the
Azerbaijan Republic. If deals are made based on manat account, account in inconvertible
currency (21, 31, 27, etc.), based on own raw stock of the customer, direct production
relations, payment for one additional sheet of Customs cargo declaration will be 2 minimum
3. With transit cargo declarations, payment for each declaration will
be 10 US dollars and for each additional sheet - 5 US dollars.
Attachment No 2
by Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers
of the Azerbaijan Republic
No 62, 16 June 1997
Rates of custom duties
Rendered services |
Rates of custom duties
in US dollars |
Call for the custom officer to carry out
custom procedure on commodities stored outside the customs, including on the territory of
enterprises and organisations being under the Customs surveillance, estimated man-hours
based on 1 man-hour of each custom officer during daytime (night hours) |
2 |
Overtime (from 18 p.m. to 9 a.m.),
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays (except enterprises working without breaks) |
5 |
For registration of cargo for exhibitions,
estimated man-hours based on 1 man-hour of each custom officer during daytime (night hours |
2 |
Overtime (from 18 p.m. to 9 a.m.),
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays |
5 |
Without previous notification in writing,
in case of cancellation of the order |
5 |
For issue of registration certificate for
transport means imported by citizens to the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic
(including temporarily imported):
trucks and cars, micro-buses, buses
transport means without engines (trailers, semi-trailers, carts,
motorcycles, motor-scooters, mopeds (liable to registration)
For official certificate (explanatory) on
export (import) of commodities, copy of declaration, registration books for commodities
and currency, other documents containing information in other cases, specified by
legislation |
1 |
Payments of custom duties are made in manats at an exchange rate of
National Bank of the Azerbaijan Republic against US dollars on a day of payment.
Attachment No 3
to Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers
of the Azerbaijan Republic
No 62, 16 June 1997
List of commodities imported to the
territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and exempted from custom duty
Codes of commodities
according to classification of foreign-economic activity |
Name of commodity |
8432 |
Machines and mechanisms for agriculture,
gardening, forestry |
8433 |
Machines for gathering and thrashing
agricultural products, gathering and packing hay and straw, mowing machines and also
machines cleaning and sorting chicken eggs, fruit and other agricultural products |
8435 |
Milking machines and apparatus, equipment
on production and processing milk in agriculture and industry |
8436 |
Other equipment for agriculture,
gardening, bee-keeping |
8437 |
Machines and equipment cleaning, sorting,
pressing seeds |
8701 |
Tractors |
8706 |
Chassis for tractors indicated in
commodity position 8701 |
8708 |
Spare parts for tractors indicated in
commodity position 8701 |
Head of Management
Attachment No 4
to Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers
of the Azerbaijan Republic
No 62, 16 June 1997
List of commodities imported to the
territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and liable to custom duty at
a rate of 5 % of custom value
Codes of commodities
according to classification of foreign-economic activity |
Name of commodity |
Group 01
Livestock (except pedigree animals) |
Group 10
Cereals and grains |
Group 26
Ore, slags and ashes |
Group 28
Inorganic chemical products |
Group 29
Organic chemical products |
Group 36
Explosives, pyrotechnic substances,
matches, pyrophores, some inflammable materials |
Group 38
Other chemical products |
Group 44
Wood and articles made of wood, charcoal |
Group 47
Paper-making stock, paper and paperboard
wastes, timber wastes, waste paper of other fibrous materials of vegetable origin |
Group 48
Paper, paperboard and articles made
thereof. 4803; 4810; 4814; 4817; 4818 10-4818 30; 4819; 4821 |
Group 53
Other textile fibres of vegetable origin,
paper fibre and fabric made thereof |
Group 54
Chemical threads |
Group 55
Chemical staple fibre |
Group 72
Ferrous metals |
Group 73
Articles made of ferrous metals, except
commodity position 7323 |
Group 74
Copper and copper articles |
Group 75
Nickel and nickel articles |
Group 78
Lead and lead articles |
Group 79
Zinc and zinc articles |
Group 80
Tin and tin articles |
Group 82
Instruments, knives, spoons, forks made of
base metals; their components |
Group 84
Nuclear reactors, boilers, equipment and
mechanical appliances, their parts, except commodity positions 8414 51 900; 8415 10 000;
8415 81 90; 8417 20; 8418 10 900; 8418 21-8418 29 000; 8418 30 910; 8418 30 990; 8418 40
910; 8418 40 990; 8418 50; 8418 91 00000; 8422 11 000; 8423 10 10; 8423 81 50; 8450; 8452
10; 8469; 8470; 8471 10; 8471 20 000 - 8471 20 60; 8471 91 000 - 8471 91 900; 8471 99;
8472; 8476 |
Group 85
Electrical machines and equipment, their
parts, except commodity positions 8507 10 910; 8508 10; 8509; 8510; 8511; 8512; 8516; 8517
10 - 8517 20 000; 8517 81 10; 8518; 8519; 8520; 8521; 8522; 8523; 8524; 8527 19 000 ; 8527
21; 8527 31; 8527 32; 8527 39; 8528 10 000 - 8528 10 690; 8528 10 730 - 8528 10 980; 8528
20 000 - 8528 20 200; 8528 20 730 - 8528 20 990; 8529 10 200 - 8529 10 700; 8539. |
Group 86
Railway locomotives and cars, trams, their
parts and accessories, road structures for railway and tram network |
Group 87
Surface transport means (except railway
and trams), except commodity positions 8702; 8703; 8711; 8712; 8714 |
Group 88
Flying machines, cosmic apparatus, their
parts. |
Group 89
Ships, boats and other swimming devices.
Except commodity position 8903 |
Group 90
Instruments and equipment used in
Except commodity positions 9004; 9006 |
Head of Management
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Non-official translation